Feast your eyes on some of the world’s most brilliantly coloured birds, amongst wetland vegetation and crimson blooms.
Feast your eyes on some of the world’s most brilliantly coloured birds, amongst wetland vegetation and crimson blooms.
This huge parrot sports bright red plumage with splashes of blue and yellow. Much of its face is bare, adorned with tiny red feathers.
Hornbills, spoonbills and other fascinating birds of Asia await you in this tranquil paradise of tall bamboo grooves and paddy terraces.
Meet the rarest of the spoonbill species! Observe its spoon-shaped bill, which it uses to stir up mud and snag fish and other prey.
This is one of the world’s rarest ducks! There are fewer than 1,000 Baer’s Pochards left in the wild, threatened by wetland destruction.
Storks have long legs, and distinctive huge bills for hunting fish. The milky stork is endangered with some 1,500 wild individuals left.
Catch our presentations to witness the amazing talents of our birds alongside their trainers at Bird Paradise.
Embark on a guided tour where you can learn little-known facts about our avian friends!