Conservation happens one person—and one animal—at a time. In our wildlife parks, we manage assurance populations for threatened species. Our work also takes us to wild places and into the field around the region, strengthening our efforts with conservation partners from the international community.

Your sustaining gift helps us in our race together to save species from extinction.

Conservation efforts in the region

Interested to know more about the work being conducted in the field by our conservation partners? These five projects supported by MWG will give you a glimpse into our diverse conservation efforts in the region.
Asiatic black bear

Ending the practice of bear bile farming in Laos

Asiatic black bears and sun bears have been kept in captivity all around Asia to extract bile from their gallbladders in the belief that it is a potent ingredient in traditional medicine. Free The Bears is an NGO which rehabilitates rescued bears and lobbies for government intervention against poaching activities. We support them by funding the construction of a 10-den bear house for rescued bears. Our contributions also support the bears’ dietary and medical needs, as well as the keepers’ salaries.


Resolving elephant-human conflict in Sumatra

Elephant Response Units (ERUs) work in the Way Kambas National Park to herd resident wild elephants away from fields and villages. We fund the operation of the ERUs and support the expansion of these units to increase their coverage and effectiveness. Furthermore, we provide medical care for the park’s elephants, occasionally deploying veterinarians and facilitating transfer of knowledge on animal husbandry.

Black-winged myna

Giving black-winged mynas a voice and a fighting chance

The Cikananga Conservation Breeding Center (CCBC) aims to breed the black-winged myna in captivity and eventually reintroduce the birds to available safe habitats. They do this through artificial nesting, close monitoring and educating the community to discourage poaching. We support the CCBC by maintaining an assurance colony of black-winged mynas in the Jurong Bird Park and providing financial support for the post-release monitoring of the birds. We have also reinforced the housing area to secure newly captured birds before they are sent to the breeding centre.

Fostering harmony within a shared home for Javan gibbons and villagers

The Coffee and Primate Conservation Project (CPCP) works with villagers in Java to cultiave shade-grown coffee that helps protect the Javan gibbon’s natural habitat. We support CPCP through funding regular gibbon population surveys which creates the additional benefit of on-ground presence and providing the gibbons with extra security. We also introduced coffee consultants to help the villagers improve coffee quality, and even offer their products in our retail stores.

Malayan tiger

Saving Malayan tigers from poachers

The Malaysian Conservation Alliance for Tigers (MYCAT) conducts Citizen Action for Tigers (CAT) walks to closely monitor the activity of poachers and remove traps in the area. We partner with MYCAT to engage the help of community conservationists to take part in regular CAT walks where they are trained to spot poachers’ snares and remove them for safe movement of the tigers in the forest, as well as track and manage human-wildlife encounters.

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